Das Substantiv Drohung lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Seine Drohungen machen mir überhaupt keine Angst.
I am not in the least afraid of his threats.
Wir dachten, seine Drohung wäre nur ein Scherz.
We thought his threat was only a joke.
Seine Drohung schreckte sie nicht. Ich werde es überleben, sagte sie gleichgültig.
Their threats don't scare her. "I will survive," she said indifferently.
Ich musste zur Drohung greifen, um mein Geld wiederzuerlangen.
I had to resort to threats to get my money back.
Ich fasste seine Bemerkung als Drohung auf.
I interpreted his remark as a threat.
Die Antwort nimmt fast den Charakter einer Drohung an.
This answer almost amounts to a threat.
Politik ist die Fortsetzung des Krieges mit gefährlichen Drohungen.
Politics is the continuation of war with dangerous threats.
Tom ging nicht davon aus, dass Maria ihre Drohung wirklich wahr machen würde.
Tom didn't think that Mary would actually carry out her threat.
Eine Drohung kann oft Wunder wirken.
A threat can often work wonders.
Das ist keine Drohung, das ist eine Warnung.
That's not a threat, that is a warning.
Sie war versucht, ihn aufzufordern, Farbe zu bekennen, denn sie konnte kaum glauben, dass er seine Drohung wahrmachen würde.
She was tempted to call his bluff, hardly believing that he would carry out his threat.
Das ist nur eine leere Drohung.
This is just an idle threat.
Seine Bitte war einer Drohung gleichzusetzen.
His request was tantamount to a threat.
Der Wunsch ihres Vaters, dass sie sich von Tom fernhalten solle, und die damit verbundene Drohung, sie im Falle der Missachtung dieses Wunsches zu enterben, ließen Maria unbeeindruckt. Jetzt traf sie sich erst recht, sooft es ging, mit Tom.
Her father's wish that she should stay away from Tom, and the threat of disinheriting her in the event of the disregard of this desire, left Maria unimpressed. Now she on purpose met with Tom, as often as she could.
Lieber von der Mutter hundertmal geschlagen werden als vom Vater einmal eine Drohung vernehmen müssen.
Better to be hit by your mother one hundred times, than to hear one threat from your father.
Er ließ es auf ihre Drohung ankommen.
He called her bluff.
Bei mir sind Drohungen eingegangen.
I've received threats.
Ist das eine Drohung?
Is that a threat?
Ich nahm Toms Drohungen nicht ernst.
I didn't take Tom's threats seriously.
Unternehmen dürfen den gewalttätigen faschistischen Drohungen der Rechten nicht nachgeben.
Companies can't indulge the right's violent fascist threats.
Ich habe Drohungen erhalten.
I received threats.
Das klingt fast wie eine Drohung.
That almost sounds like a threat.
Englische Beispielsätze
A win tonight is vital to stave off the threat of relegation.
The threat of bankruptcy has been hanging over Tom's firm for some time.
The threat to jobs is coming much faster than most AI experts predicted.
Madagascar is known for its rich and diverse wildlife, but experts say forest degradation is a growing threat to both animals and humans.
Nuclear weapons are a threat to humanity.
In that amazing "zugzwang", the player had all his pieces and pawns on the board and was not under any direct threat, but had only suicidal moves available, which led him to lose the game.
Hanging on the wall was a picture of Mary, forefinger raised in threat, appearing as though she were reading the onlooker the riot act. The epigraph mounted beneath read: "I'm in charge here!"
These people view us as a threat.
"Don't threaten me!" "That's not a threat – that is a promise!"
Land-clearing is the number-one threat to koalas.
Christianity is a threat.
Both we and the Soviets face the common threat of nuclear destruction and there is no likelihood that either capitalism or communism will survive a nuclear war.
This is a threat to the rule of law in our country.
Climate change is the biggest threat that we face.
If we don't take the threat of meteor strikes seriously, we'll all die.
If we don't take the threat of meteor strikes seriously, we will all die.
Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity.