Was heißt »An­schluss« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv An­schluss (ver­altet: Anschluß) lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • connection
  • connexion

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer.

Number unobtainable.

Im Anschluss folgen die lokalen Nachrichten.

The local news will be broadcast next.

Tom muss fleißig lernen und den Anschluss an die anderen Schüler seiner Klasse finden.

Tom has to study hard and catch up with the other students in his class.

Du musst, um den Anschluss an die Klasse zu finden, fleißig lernen!

You have to study hard to catch up with your class.

Es fiel Tom schwer, Anschluss an seine Klassenkameraden zu finden. Auf dem Schulhof stand er meist allein in einer Ecke herum.

Tom found it hard to make friends with his classmates. For much of the time, he stood alone in a corner of the school playground.

Im Anschluss werden Erfrischungen gereicht.

Refreshments will be served afterwards.

Tom schaffte nach seinem Koma nicht den Anschluss an die anderen Schüler.

Tom couldn't catch up with the other students after he came out of his coma.

Es fällt Tom schwer, im Unterricht den Anschluss an die anderen zu behalten.

Tom has trouble keeping up with the rest of his class.

Entschuldigung, dieser Anschluss ist vorübergehend nicht erreichbar.

We're sorry. The number you have dialed is currently unavailable.

Im Anschluss an die Unruhen vervielfältigten sich Plünderungen in wohlhabenden Gegenden.

Following the riots, incidents of looting in affluent neighborhoods multiplied.


plug socket
connector plug
male connector

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Some physicists seriously consider the possibility that quantum mechanics hints at a mysterious connection of "conscious" observation with the physical world.

  • Please check your internet connection.

  • My internet connection has been really slow lately.

  • At first I thought the development board was up the spout, but it was just a loose connection.

  • Hello! Can you hear me? The connection's bad. I'm just going through a tunnel.

  • Tom lost his internet connection.

  • I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with the case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution.

  • Never start by thanking your audience for coming but rather focus on building an emotional connection.

  • You should check the speed of your Internet connection.

  • There's no causal connection.

  • Mary has a strong connection with nature.

  • Tom has a strong connection with nature.

  • Elves have a strong connection to nature.

  • Two men have been arrested in connection with Tom's murder.

  • There must be a connection between these murders.

  • A connection between personality and blood type has not been scientifically proven.

  • The police suspected there was a connection between the abandoned car and the dead body found three miles away.

  • I feel a deep connection to him.

  • The individual stars in a constellation may appear to be very close to each other, but in fact they can be separated by huge distances in space and have no real connection to each other at all.

  • My Internet connection isn't fast enough.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

gas connection
house connection
house connexion
house service connection
house service connexion
electrical connection
water connection

An­schluss übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Anschluss. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Anschluss. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 645455, 1341649, 1944518, 2480184, 3513636, 5377372, 5805750, 6845384, 10135513, 11778861, 10520960, 10110458, 9192622, 11917887, 8919998, 8629802, 6957944, 6607840, 6309952, 6146164, 5906260, 5906259, 5393482, 5029974, 4597265, 4197966, 3991519, 3977375, 3961367 & 3627502. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR