Das Verb schwitzen lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Ich schwitzte unter den Armen.
I perspired under the arms.
Ohne zu schwitzen kann er ununterbrochen fünf Purzelbäume machen.
He can do five somersaults without breaking a sweat.
Ich rannte auf dem Laufband und schwitzte.
I sweated on the treadmill.
Dicke Menschen schwitzen im Allgemeinen viel.
Fat people generally sweat a lot.
Im Sommer ist es notwendig, viel Wasser zu trinken, wenn man schwitzt.
In summer, when we sweat more often, it is essential to drink lots of water.
Ich habe in den Achselhöhlen geschwitzt.
My armpits were sweating.
Ich schwitze in meinem Bett.
I am sweating in my bed.
Er fing an zu schwitzen.
He began to sweat.
Sie fing an zu schwitzen.
She began to sweat.
Ich fing an zu schwitzen.
I began to sweat.
Tom schwitzt.
Tom is sweating.
Tom is perspiring.
Hast du je derart geschwitzt?
Have you ever sweated this much?
Wenn ich renne, schwitze ich.
When I run, I get sweaty.
Ich schwitze.
I'm sweating.
I sweat.
I am sweating.
Tom schwitzte.
Tom was sweating.
Tom hat geschwitzt.
Tom sweated.
Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich so schwitze!
This is the first time I've ever sweated so much.
Ich schwitze jeden Tag.
I sweat every day.
Ich begann an den Händen zu schwitzen.
My hands began to sweat.
Es ist so warm in diesem Zimmer, dass ich schwitze.
It's so warm in this room that I'm sweating.
Manche Sportler schwitzen mehr als andere.
Some athletes sweat more than others.
Tom schwitzt, wenn er unter Stress steht.
Tom sweats when he's stressed.
Tom schwitzt reichlich.
Tom sweats freely.
Ich schwitzte ein wenig.
I was sweating a little bit.
Er schwitzte und trocknete sich die Stirn mit seiner Krawatte ab.
Sweating, he dried his forehead with his tie.
Sweating, he mopped his brow with his tie.
He was sweating, and dried his forehead with his tie.
He was sweating, and mopped his brow with his tie.
Tom fing an zu schwitzen.
Tom began to sweat.
Tom began to perspire.
Ich schwitze viel.
I sweat a lot.
„Ist dir auch ganz bestimmt nicht kalt?“ – „Nein, Oma. Ich schwitze. Ich trage doch schon zwei Mäntel übereinander, weil du mich anders nicht aus dem Haus lassen wolltest.“
"Are you sure you're not cold?" "I'm not cold, Nan, I'm boiling. I'm already wearing two coats because you wouldn't let me out the house otherwise."
Ich habe geschwitzt.
I was sweating.
Er schwitzte.
He sweated.
He was sweating.
Tom schwitzte nicht.
Tom wasn't sweating.
Er schwitzt, wenn er unter Stress steht.
He sweats when he's stressed.
Sie schwitzte.
She sweated.
Ich schwitze wie ein Schwein.
I'm sweating quite a bit.
I'm sweating profusely.
I'm sweating like a pig.
Ich schwitzte aus allen Poren.
I was sweating from all pores.
Sami schwitzt.
Sami is sweating.
Englische Beispielsätze
Tom took off his cowboy hat and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
He woke up in a sweat.
Tom wiped the sweat off his face.
Why is sweat salty?
"I'm dripping sweat." "Then make sure you take a shower!"
Another, less polite, word for perspiration is sweat.
She broke out in a cold sweat.
Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead.
Mary wiped the sweat from her forehead.
Tom was unrecognisable. He was clean-shaven, and his hair was good. His suit fitted him, and his shoes shone. He didn't smell of sweat, but instead wore a scent, and he was very gentlemanly, especially towards Mary.
Tom was unrecognisable: he was clean-shaven, had a decent haircut, wore a tailored suit with polished shoes, didn't reek of sweat, but instead wore a scent, and he behaved in a very gentlemanly way, especially towards Mary.
A drop of sweat ran down his nose.
A drop of sweat ran down his back.
A drop of sweat ran down his forehead.
"Why are you crying? Did I say something I shouldn't have?" "No, it's just that a drop of sweat got into my eye."