Was heißt »schär­fen« auf Englisch?

Das Verb »schär­fen« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • spice up
  • sharpen
  • focus

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Er schärfte das Messer.

He was sharpening a knife.

Ich schärfe mein Schwert.

I am sharpening my sword.

Ich kann dieses Messer nicht schärfen. Es ist zu alt und rostig.

I cannot sharpen this knife. It's too old and rusted.

Tom schärft ein Messer.

Tom is sharpening a knife.

Wann hast du dieses Messer das letzte Mal geschärft?

When was the last time you sharpened this knife?

When did you last sharpen this knife?

Er weiß, wie man Messer schärft.

He knows how to sharpen knives.

Mir wurde gesagt, du könntest mir beibringen, wie man ein Messer schärft.

I was told that you could teach me how to sharpen a knife.

Er schärfte die Messer.

He sharpened the knives.

Tom schärfte das Messer.

Tom sharpened the knife.

Wenn ich acht Stunden hätte, um einen Baum zu fällen, so verbrächte ich die ersten sechs Stunden damit, die Axt zu schärfen.

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first six hours sharpening the ax.

Tom schärfte sein Messer.

Tom sharpened his knife.

Könntest du mir mein Messer schärfen?

Could you sharpen my knife for me?

Du hast die Messer geschärft.

You sharpened the knives.

Ich schärfe das Messer.

I sharpen the knife.

Tom schärfte seine Axt.

Tom sharpened his axe.

Tom weiß, wie man Messer schärft.

Tom knows how to sharpen knives.

Tom schärfte die Messer.

Tom sharpened the knives.

Maria schärfte die Messer.

Mary sharpened the knives.

Er schärft sein Messer.

He's sharpening his knife.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • This camera's focus isn't working properly.

  • This camera's focus doesn't work properly.

  • This pencil is blunt. Could you sharpen it, please?

  • The focus of the discussion was unemployment.

  • Yanni decided to focus on his new career.

  • He's easily distracted. He can never focus his attention on anything.

  • That pencil is totally blunt. You should sharpen it.

  • You need to focus.

  • The company places its main focus on innovation.

  • The focus of today's class will be on ancient Greece.

  • Could you sharpen this pencil for me?

  • Never start by thanking your audience for coming but rather focus on building an emotional connection.

  • I'm going to focus on my job.

  • We have to focus.

  • I kind of lost my focus.

  • The lower your self-esteem, the more you tend to focus on negative things.

  • You need to focus on your strengths.

  • Among her current projects are several that focus on improving healthcare in Africa and advancing technology in developing countries.

  • The witch told the servants to sharpen the knives, make a great fire ready, and hang a large kettle full of water over it.

  • The witch told the servants to sharpen the knives, and to make a great fire ready, and hang a large kettle full of water over it.

Schärfen übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: schärfen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Synonyme] OpenThesaurus-User: schärfen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 425549, 1665964, 1709497, 1713510, 1751577, 1753563, 1888543, 3425718, 3439906, 3500579, 4007743, 4090715, 4774395, 5016971, 7000102, 7635666, 7636034, 8852853, 10727242, 11249216, 11249215, 10910254, 10816696, 10158488, 9139938, 8910506, 8403803, 6866430, 6866428, 6661313, 6607840, 5735767, 5300869, 5187023, 4679880, 4228360, 3958889, 3881968 & 3881957. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR