Was heißt »que­ren« auf Englisch?

Das Verb que­ren lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • cross

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Jimmy versuchte, seine Eltern dazu zu kriegen, ihn mit seinen Freunden quer durch das Land fahren zu lassen.

Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends.

Zwölf Boxkämpfer jagen Victor quer über den großen Sylter Deich.

Twelve boxers chase Victor across the big Sylter dike.

Ich würde gern mit einem Cabrio quer durch die USA fahren.

I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible.

Weißt du genau, wo Hannibal die Alpen querte?

Do you know where exactly Hannibal crossed the Alps?

Do you know exactly where Hannibal crossed the Alps?

Ich reiste kreuz und quer durch Europa.

I travelled around Europe.

I traveled around Europe.

I travelled round Europe.

Die beiden Jungs reisten quer durch das Land.

The two boys traveled throughout the land.

Tom fuhr mit dem Motorrad quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten.

Tom rode his motorcycle across America.

Tom rode his motorcycle across the United States.

Die Stöcke waren quer übereinandergelegt.

The sticks were laid across each other.

Tom und Maria reisten kreuz und quer durch Japan.

Tom and Mary traveled around Japan.

Wurmlöcher ermöglichen es Raumschiffen, quer durch die ganze Galaxie zu reisen.

Wormholes allow spaceships to travel throughout the galaxy.

Tom sagte, er hätte nicht übel Lust, seinen Job hinzuschmeißen und quer durch Australien zu trampen.

Tom said he had half a mind to throw in his job and hitchhike around Australia.

Ich bin kreuz und quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten gereist.

I traveled all through the United States.

Ein Baum fiel quer über die Parkstraße und hält jetzt den Verkehr auf.

A tree has fallen across Park Street, blocking traffic.

Tom reiste kreuz und quer durch Südostasien.

Tom traveled around Southeast Asia.

Tom travelled all over south-east Asia.

Tom fuhr extra quer durch die Stadt, um Maria einen Geburtstagskuchen zu kaufen.

Tom drove all the way across town just to buy a birthday cake for Mary.

Tom drove all the way across town just to buy Mary a birthday cake.

„Ja, ja, ich komm’ ja schon!“ schrie Tom quer durch die Wohnung seinem klingelnden Telefon entgegen.

"Yeah yeah, here I come," shouted Tom through the flat in the direction of his ringing telephone.

Tom packte einen Stuhl und warf ihn quer durch den Raum.

Tom grabbed a chair and threw it across the room.

Tom begab sich auf eine Autoreise quer durch Australien.

Tom went on a road trip across Australia.

Er hat sich tatsächlich erdreistet, quer durch unseren Garten zu marschieren.

He had the impudence to cut across our garden.

Sie haben eine Brücke quer über den Fluss gebaut.

They built a bridge across the river.

Der Baum fiel mit einem Bums quer über den Weg.

The tree fell across the path with a thud.

Sie sind quer durch Europa geradelt.

They went across Europe by bike.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom got cross with me.

  • "I wonder if Peter's still cross." "Oh, he's long since over it."

  • I hope you won't be cross now.

  • We need to cross to the other side, but there isn't a bridge near by.

  • It took time to cross the long bridge.

  • I'm not cross any more.

  • The traffic was unrelenting, so I decided to use the subway to cross the road.

  • Mary was cross because Tom had given her a gift token as a present.

  • Mary was cross because Tom had given her a gift voucher as a present.

  • I do not want to examine the cause, because then I would have to cross into politics. I would like to avoid that. I'm just telling the truth as it is.

  • The young man helps the elderly woman cross the street.

  • Mary got cross with me.

  • Tom and Mary are cross with John.

  • Tom was cross with Mary.

  • Tom is cross with us.

  • Is Tom cross with us?

  • Tom was the last one to cross the bridge.

  • Tom was the last to cross the bridge.

  • Behind the church is a small churchyard in which there are only ten graves, each with a small wooden cross.

  • Every day, tens of thousands of commuters cross the Øresund Bridge between Copenhagen and Malmö.

Que­ren übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: queren. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: queren. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 789, 645094, 1463443, 1638088, 1780005, 1902900, 1932179, 2416603, 3248920, 3498766, 3895421, 6164020, 6569837, 7835490, 8071554, 8160987, 8237641, 8264541, 9460164, 10119323, 10738429, 11629160, 11616829, 11616666, 11605285, 11593913, 11593631, 11444219, 11419596, 11311319, 11311318, 11272913, 11241762, 11231865, 11178392, 11173666, 11173596, 11173585, 11151284, 11151283, 11134704 & 11023215. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR