Was heißt »dies­mal« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb dies­mal lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • this time

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Hat Bob die Firma diesmal endgültig verlassen?

Has Bob left the company for good this time?

Wonach suchen Sie diesmal?

What are you looking for this time?

What are you looking for now?

Nun landete er also nochmal in der selben Firma, nur diesmal nicht im Bürostuhl, sondern kopfüber auf der Betontreppe.

So now he landed back in the same company, but this time not in the office chair, but rather upside down on the concrete staircase.

Ich hoffe nur, dass diesmal nichts schiefgeht.

I just hope nothing goes wrong this time.

Die Prüfung war diesmal äußerst schwer.

This time, the exam was extremely difficult.

Ich hätte deine Hand diesmal fast berührt.

I almost touched your hand this time.

Wir haben diesmal den Sieg davongetragen.

We won this time.

Ich meine es diesmal ernst.

I mean it this time.

Ich weiß nicht, ob wir Tom diesmal helfen können.

I don't know if we can help Tom this time.

Ich hatte diesmal wohl einfach nur Glück.

I guess I just got lucky this time.

Was hast du diesmal getan?

What did you do this time?

Was hast du diesmal angerichtet?

What have you done this time?

What've you done this time?

What've you been up to this time?

Was hat er diesmal gesagt?

What did he say this time?

Was hat sie diesmal gesagt?

What did she say this time?

Tom hat diesmal recht.

Tom is right this time.

Was ist es diesmal?

What is it this time?

1632 veröffentlichte er ein Buch, in dem es unter anderem hieß, dass das heliozentrische Weltbild des Kopernikus richtig sei. Galileo wurde abermals vor die Inquisition bestellt und diesmal der Ketzerei für schuldig befunden.

In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich diesmal nichts vergessen habe.

I'm sure I haven't forgotten anything this time.

Womit bist du diesmal unzufrieden?

What are you unhappy about this time?

What are you unhappy with this time?

Was ist diesmal das Problem?

What's the problem this time?

Ich fürchte, diesmal kann ich dich nicht retten.

I'm afraid I can't save you this time.

I'm afraid that I can't save you this time.

Ich weiß, dass ich es diesmal richtig kapiert habe.

I know that I got it right this time.

Ich hoffe, diesmal klappt’s.

I hope that this time it works.

I hope this time it works.

Über ein Jahrhundert, nachdem ihre große Schwester aus Frankreich in der Stadt New York eintraf, unternahm eine Miniaturausgabe der Freiheitstatue die gleiche Reise, diesmal aber in die Stadt Washington.

Over a century after its big sister made its way from France to New York City, a miniature version of the Statue of Liberty has made the same journey, but this time to Washington, D.C.

Unsere Beziehung ist vorbei, und diesmal für immer.

Our relationship is over. And this time it's for good.

Tante Hanna kommt diesmal nicht – vielleicht nächstesmal.

We won't be seeing Auntie Jo this time round – maybe next time.

Ich denke, dass du diesmal recht hast.

This time, I think you're right.

Weshalb wurde er denn diesmal festgenommen?

What was he arrested for this time?

Er wird diesmal nicht damit davonkommen.

He's not going to get away with it this time.

Ich verbringe Silvester diesmal in Rio.

I'll spend New Year's Eve in Rio this time.

Gib mir diesmal bitte etwas Spielraum!

Please give me some latitude this time.

Bitte brenn diesmal das Essen nicht an! Ohne bitteren Geschmack mag ich es lieber.

Please don't burn the food this time. I like it better without an acrid taste.

Sinnverwandte Wörter

right now

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom is better prepared this time, so he should be able to do it.

  • I'll overlook it this time, but don't let it happen again.

  • What did Tom do this time?

  • Tom, put your money away. I'm paying this time.

  • We'll be out of here by this time tomorrow.

  • It's unusual for it to snow this time of year.

  • Tom said it was cold in Boston this time of year.

  • We can't tell you anything at this time.

  • You won't get away this time!

  • I can't say anything at this time.

  • I love this time of year.

  • I can't give you any more details at this time.

  • You did so much better this time.

  • You have gone too far this time.

  • I hate being alone this time of year.

  • For this time of year, the weather is chilly.

  • I prefer salad for supper; I'm usually not hungry at this time of the day.

  • Gerda, dear little Gerda, where have you been all this time, and where have I been?

  • We can't give you any more details at this time.

  • We can't do anything about that problem at this time.

Dies­mal übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: diesmal. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 569120, 644152, 772895, 788509, 1780167, 1808382, 1897981, 2908932, 3240572, 3399708, 3467986, 3467988, 4022728, 4022729, 5013386, 6109893, 6171872, 6349109, 7887370, 8609195, 9037247, 9167111, 10172912, 10181611, 10531423, 11550031, 11962207, 12003044, 12150127, 12388151, 12412583, 12412709, 2821014, 2796704, 2644231, 3155732, 2640500, 2640299, 2640052, 3203832, 3226714, 2556436, 2516442, 3396898, 3405518, 2247239, 2208677, 2155122, 2144566, 3754646, 1951696 & 1893921. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR