Was heißt »Pro­fes­so­rin« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Pro­fes­so­rin lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • professor

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Die Professorin verliebte sich in den Studenten.

The teacher fell in love with the student.

Diana möchte Professorin werden.

Diana wants to be a professor.

Diana wants to become a professor.

Sie ist meine Professorin.

She's my professor.

Ich bin eine Professorin.

I am a professor.

I'm a professor.

Mary ist Professorin.

Mary is a professor.

Sie ist die beste Professorin.

She's the best professor.

Das ist eine Professorin, deren Werke sich mannshoch aufstapeln lassen.

She's a professor whose works you could stack up to head height.

Sie ist Professorin.

She's a professor.

She is a professor.

Laurie Essig ist Professorin und Direktorin für „Gender, sexuality and feminist studies“ („Geschlechter-, Sexual- und feministische Forschung“) am Middlebury College sowie Autorin des Buches „Love, Inc.“ („Die Liebes-GmbH“).

Laurie Essig is a professor and director of gender, sexuality and feminist studies at Middlebury College and the author of “Love, Inc.”

Männliche Wortform


Englische Beispielsätze

  • The professor had a reputation for being a particularly mean marker who revelled in the despair of his students.

  • Anna will be operated on by the professor himself.

  • Anna is being operated on by the professor himself.

  • The professor was lost in thought.

  • The professor didn't keep his word.

  • You're wrong, professor.

  • You're mistaken, professor.

  • Our professor returns to England tomorrow.

  • Our professor is returning to England tomorrow.

  • Our professor goes back to England tomorrow.

  • Our professor is going back to England tomorrow.

  • Tom was a university professor.

  • Even the professor didn't address the subject.

  • Even the professor didn't broach the subject.

  • Most of the students were unable to follow the professor, falling by the wayside only a short way into the lecture.

  • ?I don't want to say that the 19th century was a better time, but it was a happier time,” a history professor once said.

  • Ziri is a professor.

  • You're a professor, aren't you?

  • What are you, a businessman or a professor?

  • No one could follow the professor's explanation.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Pro­fes­so­rin übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Professorin. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1269376, 1784952, 3101388, 3900507, 7154296, 7961878, 10161841, 10332998, 11719337, 11661870, 11537743, 11537742, 11514406, 11188250, 11066147, 11066146, 10853908, 10853906, 10853905, 10853904, 10694572, 10520310, 10520309, 10329953, 10326432, 10209790, 10083725, 9870376 & 8866627. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR