Was heißt »Bas­ket­ball« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Bas­ket­ball lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • basketball

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Er mag Tennis lieber als Basketball.

He likes tennis more than basketball.

Ballsportarten wie Basketball und Tischtennis werden normalerweise in der Halle gespielt.

Ball games, such as basketball and ping-pong, are usually played indoors.

Beim Basketball sind große Spieler im Vorteil.

In basketball, tall players have an advantage.

Wir haben Basketball in der Turnhalle gespielt.

We played basketball in the gym.

Vor zwei Jahren konnte ich noch gar nicht Basketball spielen.

Two years ago I could not play basketball at all.

Ich spiele gern Basketball.

I like to play basketball.

I like playing basketball.

Ich weiß, dass Maik Basketball mag.

I know that Mike likes basketball.

Sie spielte Basketball.

She played basketball.

Basketball macht sehr viel Spaß.

Basketball is a lot of fun.

Tom und seine Freunde haben am letzten Wochenende Basketball gespielt.

Tom and his friends played basketball last weekend.

Tom findet, dass Volleyball mehr Spaß macht als Basketball.

Tom thinks that volleyball is more fun than basketball.

Tom ließ den Basketball auf seinem Finger drehen.

Tom twirled the basketball on his finger.

Kannst du einen Basketball auf dem Finger kreiseln lassen?

Can you spin a basketball on your fingertip?

Tom spielte Basketball, als er auf dem College war.

Tom played basketball when he was in college.

Wir sprachen über Basketball.

We talked about basketball.

Wir haben gestern Basketball gespielt.

We played basketball yesterday.

Die Jungs spielen Basketball.

The guys are playing basketball.

Der Basketball muss aufgepumpt werden.

The basketball needs to be inflated.

Tom spielt gerne Basketball.

Tom likes to play basketball.

Tom likes playing basketball.

Mike spielt gerne Basketball.

Mike likes to play basketball.

Ich weiß, dass Tom Basketball mag.

I know that Tom likes basketball.

I know Tom likes basketball.

Tom hat nicht Basketball gespielt.

Tom didn't play basketball.

Er spielt Basketball am besten von uns allen.

He plays basketball best of us all.

Sie spielen Basketball.

They play basketball.

Tom spielte Basketball.

Tom played basketball.

Tom mag Basketball.

Tom likes basketball.

Wusstet ihr, dass Tom sehr gut Basketball spielen kann?

Did you know Tom is very good at playing basketball?

Tom spielt nicht mehr Basketball.

Tom doesn't play basketball any more.

Sie hat früher Basketball gespielt.

She used to play basketball.

Sie verstehen nichts vom Basketball, oder?

They don't know anything about basketball, do they?

Ihr versteht nichts vom Basketball, oder?

You don't know anything about basketball, do you?

Ich habe einen Basketball gekauft.

I bought a basketball.

Ich will Basketball spielen.

I want to play basketball.

Ich mag Rugby, aber nicht so sehr wie Basketball.

I like rugby, but not as much as I like basketball.

Bist du gut im Basketball?

Are you good at basketball?

Sami und Layla spielen Basketball.

Sami and Layla are playing basketball.

Spielt Tom Basketball?

Does Tom play basketball?

Wir spielen jeden Montag Basketball.

We play basketball every Monday.

Er spielte Basketball.

He played basketball.

Tom mag Basketball sehr gern.

Tom really likes basketball.

Die Basketball spielenden Jungen sind meine Klassenkameraden.

The boys playing basketball are my classmates.

Tom redet gern über Basketball.

Tom loves talking about basketball.

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom managed to get on the school basketball team.

  • Tom made the school basketball team.

  • Tom is a very good basketball player.

  • It's a lot of fun to play basketball.

  • Playing basketball doesn't make you grow taller.

  • The women's basketball team has a male coach.

  • Tom was watching a basketball game on TV.

  • Tom and Mary both enjoy playing basketball.

  • Would you and your friends like to play basketball with us?

  • Being good at basketball, he was recently chosen to be on the national team.

  • Tom said he didn't think Mary wanted to be on the basketball team.

  • If you used the time you spent complaining practicing your basketball, then maybe you would have stopped complaining a long time ago.

  • Tom is on both the soccer team and the basketball team.

  • I am a member of the basketball team.

  • Playing basketball is fun.

  • Tom was a pretty good basketball player in high school.

  • I've always wanted to be a professional basketball player.

  • Tom isn't a very good basketball player.

  • Sam managed to get on the school basketball team.

  • Sam was able to enter the school's basketball team.

Übergeordnete Begriffe

ball sports
kind of sport

Untergeordnete Begriffe

wheelchair basketball

Bas­ket­ball übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Basketball. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 451510, 461748, 594793, 621966, 628872, 686140, 1187364, 1241546, 1524589, 2153857, 2365737, 2750525, 3016762, 5432327, 5511807, 5709867, 5720808, 5797695, 6460630, 6460632, 6466219, 6544859, 6544911, 7451472, 7592258, 7592494, 7875029, 8112537, 8135643, 8174698, 8174700, 8348971, 8516656, 8607093, 8613330, 8628984, 8828739, 8842259, 8860810, 10028082, 10465965, 12258177, 4013109, 4013110, 3101621, 4728293, 5008564, 2664954, 2640711, 2640550, 2639714, 2605085, 2537088, 2285881, 6232308, 1300818, 1265336, 6718011, 953871, 6852729, 855979 & 855500. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR