Was heißt »wo­an­ders« auf Englisch?

Das Adverb wo­an­ders lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • elsewhere

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

„Könnt ihr nicht woanders spielen?“ fragte Maria die Kinder. „Bei dem Lärm, den ihr macht, kann man sich nicht konzentrieren.“ – „Gehen Sie doch woanders hin!“ gaben ihr die Kinder zur Antwort.

"Can't you go and play somewhere else?" Mary asked the children. "I can't concentrate with the noise you're making." "Why don't you go somewhere else?" the children replied.

Ich kann mein Notebook hier nicht finden; ich muss es woanders hingelegt haben.

I can't find my notebook here; I must have put it elsewhere.

Sie saß neben ihm und wünschte sich, woanders zu sein.

She sat next to him wishing she were somewhere else.

Sie ist mit den Gedanken ganz woanders.

Her mind is elsewhere.

Fahre mich woanders hin.

Take me somewhere else.

Drive me somewhere else.

Es sind zu viele Menschen hier. Lass uns woanders hingehen.

There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere else.

Lass uns woanders hingehen!

Let's go somewhere else.

Let's go someplace else.

Wir können uns hier nicht entspannen. Lass uns woanders hingehen!

We can't relax here. Let's go somewhere else.

Er ist mit seinen Gedanken woanders.

His thoughts are elsewhere.

His mind is on other things.

Ich muss mein Auto woanders geparkt haben.

I must have parked my car elsewhere.

I must've parked my car elsewhere.

Könnten Sie die Tasche woanders hinstellen?

Could you put that bag somewhere else?

Könntest du bitte woanders parken?

Could you please park somewhere else?

Könntest du das bitte woanders hintun?

Could you please put that somewhere else?

Lass uns woanders essen.

Let's eat somewhere else.

Tom erkannte, dass Maria woanders sein wollte.

Tom could tell that Mary wanted to be somewhere else.

Hast du auch schon mal woanders gelebt?

Have you ever lived somewhere else?

Have you ever lived elsewhere?

Gehen wir woanders hin!

Let's find another place.

Bücher sind für Menschen, die gern woanders wären.

Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.

Entschuldige! Ich war gedanklich woanders.

Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.

Wir müssen noch woanders hin.

We have somewhere else to go.

Um halb drei muss ich woanders sein.

I have to be someplace else at 2:30.

Tom kann es sich nicht leisten, in so einem Restaurant zu speisen. Gehen wir also woanders hin!

Tom can't afford to eat at that kind of restaurant so let's go somewhere else.

Alle Sprachen sind von woanders gekommen.

All languages came from somewhere else.

Tom lebte in einer Traumwelt. Oft weilte gleichsam nur sein Körper unter uns, während sein Geist ganz woanders war.

Tom lived in a dream world. Often, as it were, only his body was among us, while his mind was quite somewhere else.

Tom ist woanders.

Tom is elsewhere.

Kannst du das woanders machen?

Can you do this somewhere else?

Can you do that somewhere else?

Ich war woanders.

I was somewhere else.

Ich bin woanders.

I'm somewhere else.

I'm elsewhere.

Könnten Sie bitte Ihr Auto woanders hinstellen?

Could you put your car somewhere else, please?

Could you park your car somewhere else, please?

Could you park your car elsewhere, please?

Viele haben das Land verlassen, um woanders ihr Glück zu suchen. Die, die bleiben, verstehen es, mit wenig auszukommen.

Many have left the country to seek their fortune elsewhere. Those who stay know how to get by with very little.

Ein Leben in Freiheit ist nicht leicht, und die Demokratie ist nicht vollkommen. Aber wir hatten es nie nötig, eine Mauer aufzubauen, um unsere Leute bei uns zu halten und sie daran zu hindern, woanders hinzugehen.

Life in freedom is not easy, and democracy is not perfect. But we never needed to build a wall to keep our people with us and prevent them from going elsewhere.

Ich wäre lieber woanders.

I'd rather be somewhere else.

Gedanklich bin ich bereits ganz woanders.

My mind is already elsewhere.

Tom will woanders hin.

Tom wants to go somewhere else.

Hast du schon einmal woanders gewohnt?

Have you ever lived anywhere else?

Warten Sie woanders!

Wait somewhere else.

Sie lebt woanders.

She lives elsewhere.

She lives somewhere else.

Tut es Ihnen nur da weh, wo ich drücke, oder woanders auch noch?

Does it only hurt where I am pressing, or somewhere else?

Können wir woanders darüber reden?

Can we talk about it somewhere else?

Could we talk about it somewhere else?

Could we talk about this somewhere else?

Can we talk about this somewhere else?

Lass uns einfach woanders hingehen!

Let's just go somewhere else.

Könntest du die Tasche woanders hinstellen?

Could you put this bag in another place?

Sie waren woanders.

They were somewhere else.

Wir waren woanders.

We were somewhere else.

Ich bin nicht unbegabt; meine Begabungen liegen nur woanders.

I'm not untalented, I just have different talents.

Um Ko zurückzugewinnen, zwingt Schwarz Weiß nun, woanders auf dem Brett zu spielen, und wiederholt im nächsten Zug den vorherigen Angriff. Und der Kampf geht so weiter, in der sogenannten Schlacht von Ko.

In order to recapture the Ko, Black now forces White to play elsewhere on the board and, on the next move, repeats the previous attack. And the fight goes on like this, in what is called the battle of Ko.

Steck es woanders hin.

Put it somewhere else.

Ich weiß, dass du lieber woanders wärest.

I know you don't want to be here.

I know that you don't want to be here.

Warum riechst du nach Frauenparfum? Kommst du wirklich von der Arbeit, oder warst du noch woanders?

Why do you smell of women's perfume? Have you really come from work, or were you somewhere else?

Ich wünschte, ich wäre woanders.

I wish I were somewhere else.

I wish that I were somewhere else.

I wish I was somewhere else.

Ein Stück weiter ist ein Stau. Fahren wir woanders lang!

There's a tailback further up. Let's take another route.

Willst du woanders sitzen?

Do you want to sit somewhere else?

Ich wohne schon lange woanders.

I've lived away for a long time.

Ob da oder woanders, ist doch egal.

That's as good a place as any.

Der Regen kam schon fast waagerecht. Wir mussten woanders hin, um trocken zu bleiben.

The rain was almost horizontal. We had to move elsewhere to stay dry.


somewhere else



Englische Beispielsätze

  • "I am afraid," said I, rising, "that in the pleasure of this conversation I am neglecting business of importance which awaits me elsewhere."

  • Mary's talents could be put to better use elsewhere.

  • Tom's talents could be put to better use elsewhere.

  • It is very difficult to find happiness in us, and it is quite impossible to find it elsewhere.

  • He was seen in Santiago and elsewhere.

  • English usage is not uniform throughout the world, and some words are considered more offensive in some areas of the English-speaking world than elsewhere.

  • Her mind seems to be elsewhere.

  • He came here because he was not able to find work elsewhere.

  • Top temperatures today are between 21 and 23 in the north, with 18 degrees elsewhere.

  • He didn't really know where to go, so he simply stayed where he was; there, however, he was in the way of others, so he had to go elsewhere.

  • This argument has already been made elsewhere.

  • When I confronted Tom, he said that he had mailed the check. But later he admitted that he had spent the money elsewhere. I've had it with him.

  • Do not copy-paste sentences from elsewhere.

  • And not only that, the goods in the company shop were usually more expensive than elsewhere.

Wo­an­ders übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: woanders. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: woanders. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 11139113, 824552, 909971, 947658, 1168525, 1243361, 1909618, 1967642, 2083524, 2293329, 2841392, 3305293, 3305297, 3305299, 3402064, 4072890, 4141218, 4254960, 4881001, 5260514, 5499569, 5805651, 5934935, 6170378, 6619152, 7759948, 7769622, 7769623, 7946232, 8227476, 8304256, 8359303, 8643166, 8879442, 8983882, 9236975, 9803672, 9858874, 9976537, 10030000, 10074857, 10082786, 10082787, 10177459, 10371804, 11035411, 11213646, 11237476, 11497976, 11524417, 11563928, 11567539, 11824889, 12193706, 7416505, 7285769, 7285768, 6161950, 6161907, 10219435, 10510910, 10646730, 11115117, 11406688, 11593560, 3399647, 2819788 & 42767. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR