Was heißt »ver­knal­len« auf Englisch?

Das Verb ver­knal­len lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • fall in love

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Er hat sich total in sie verknallt.

He fell for her big time.

He's got a crush on her.

Ich hab mich in dich verknallt.

I fell in love with you.

I'm smitten with you.

I was smitten with you.

Er war in sie verknallt.

He had a crush on her.

Sie war in ihn verknallt.

She had a crush on him.

Einmal zwischen uns: Bist du in meine Schwester verknallt?

Just between the two of us; are you in love with my sister?

Bist du in Maria verknallt?

Do you have a crush on Mary?

Das sieht doch jeder: er ist in sie verknallt.

Everybody can see that he has a crush on her.

Ich bin nicht in Maria verknallt.

I don't have a crush on Mary.

Ich weiß, dass das verrückt klingen muss, aber ich glaube, ich habe mich in deine kleine Schwester verknallt.

I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I've fallen in love with your younger sister.

Tom sagt, er sei in Maria verknallt.

Tom says that he's in love with Mary.

Maria ist bis über beide Ohren in Tom verknallt.

Mary has a huge crush on Tom.

Ich bin in dich verknallt.

I have a crush on you.

Tom war als Kind in das Nachbarmädchen verknallt.

Tom was infatuated with the girl next door when he was a kid.

Ist Tom in Maria verknallt?

Does Tom have a crush on Mary?

Als Zwölfjähige war ich in dich verknallt.

I had a crush on you when I was twelve.

Tom ist total in dich verknallt.

Tom is totally into you.

Tom war in seine Sachkundelehrerin verknallt.

Tom had a crush on his science teacher.

Tom ist eindeutig in Mary verknallt.

Tom is obviously infatuated with Mary.

Er ist in Alice verknallt.

He is infatuated with Alice.

Ich war irgendwie in dich verknallt.

I sort of had a crush on you.

Ich war total in sie verknallt.

I was totally in love with her.

Ich war total in ihn verknallt.

I was totally in love with him.

Maria ist in dich verknallt.

Mary has a crush on you.

Sie ist in den Nachbarsjungen verknallt.

She has a crush on the boy next door.

Sie ist noch immer in Justin Bieber verknallt.

She still has a crush on Justin Bieber.

Du bist in ihn verknallt, stimmt’s?

You have a crush on him, don't you?

You've got a crush on him, don't you?

Damals war ich in ihn verknallt.

I had a crush on him at the time.

Maria ist total in Tom verknallt, aber sie ist zu schüchtern, um ihn anzusprechen.

Mary has a huge crush on Tom, but she's too shy to talk to him.

Ich war damals in sie verknallt.

I had a crush on her at the time.

Ich war total in Tom verknallt.

I was totally in love with Tom.

Sie ist wie verrückt in ihn verknallt.

She's madly in love with him.

Tom ist in Maria verknallt.

Tom is infatuated with Mary.

Er ist noch immer in Justin Bieber verknallt.

He still has a crush on Justin Bieber.

Tom verknallte sich in Linda.

Tom fell in love with Linda.

Du bist in sie verknallt, stimmt’s?

You've got a crush on her, don't you?

Ist er in dich verknallt?

Is he in love with you?

Mary ist in mich verknallt?

Mary has a crush on me?

Tom ist in mich verknallt?

Tom has a crush on me?

Sie ist in Justin Bieber verknallt.

She has a crush on Justin Bieber.

Er ist bis über beide Ohren in dieses Zigeunermädel verknallt.

He's totally in love with that gypsy girl.

Ich habe mich in dich verknallt.

I've got a crush on you.

Sie ist in dich verknallt.

She has a crush on you.

Tom ist hundertpro in sie verknallt.

Tom definitely has a crush on her.

Als Jugendlicher war Tom in eine berühmte Schauspielerin verknallt.

As a teenager, Tom had a crush on a famous actress.

Die ist hundertpro in Tom verknallt.

She definitely has a crush on Tom.

Du bist in Maria verknallt.

You've got a crush on Mary.

Sie ist total in ihn verknallt.

She's totally in love with him.

Maria sagt, sie sei nicht in Tom verknallt.

Mary says she doesn't have a crush on Tom.

Tom stritt ab, in Maria verknallt zu sein.

Tom denied that he had a crush on Mary.

Tom denied he had a crush on Mary.

Es stimmt, daß ich in sie verknallt war.

It's true that I had a crush on her.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • I'm looking for someone I could fall in love with.

  • Did you fall in love with her the moment you saw her?

  • I know I'll never be able to fall in love with anyone again.

  • I didn't fall in love with her right away.

  • I didn't fall in love with you the moment I saw you, but only much later.

  • Tom says he's too busy to fall in love.

  • Tom thinks that he'll never fall in love.

  • Tom thinks he'll never fall in love.

  • People fall in love every day.

  • Why must all men fall in love with me? I don't want that.

  • Life is too short to be afraid to fall in love.

  • I fall in love too easily.

  • People fall in love every day all over the world.

  • Yes, Tom is a nice guy, but I wouldn't be able to fall in love with him.

  • Let's fall in love.

  • You can't pick who you fall in love with.

  • Mary's not the first woman to fall in love with a married man, and she won't be the last.

  • Tom never expected that Mary would fall in love with John.

  • When did you fall in love with me?

  • I'm starting to fall in love with you.

Ver­knal­len übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: verknallen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: verknallen. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 560560, 763302, 1498993, 1791673, 1937846, 1986491, 2129879, 2317206, 2634467, 2739412, 2972271, 3357679, 3372256, 3485273, 3508059, 3540112, 3927981, 3979320, 3979323, 4128189, 4886935, 4886936, 5821486, 5940838, 5949375, 5983161, 6161300, 6396126, 6396138, 6584493, 7023770, 7635250, 7712512, 7820194, 7850238, 8200564, 8301207, 8301209, 8702312, 8785038, 10074167, 10090200, 10456189, 11213648, 11213785, 11585794, 11662481, 12283547, 12294291, 12407661, 12319317, 12190265, 11589058, 11360707, 10159519, 9211352, 8557105, 8556272, 7069175, 6988996, 6482377, 6312300, 6208646, 5544553, 3780541, 3769482, 3761395, 3734837, 3657299 & 3173292. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR