Was heißt »Ver­ab­rei­chung« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Ver­ab­rei­chung« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • administration



Sinnverwandte Wörter

Englische Beispielsätze

  • For two years he had a prosperous administration.

  • Mary studies business administration.

  • The Biden administration announced on Tuesday the approval of a plan to build the first U.S. large-scale offshore wind project.

  • Even though Biden does lose track of things every now and then, which is normal for his age, his administration will be stable because he'll surround himself with experts, and listen to their advice.

  • Many Obama-era executive environmental actions have been rolled back by the Trump administration.

  • The Trump administration has thrown out Obama-era rules that expanded federal protection of waterways from pollution, a move environmentalists say they will challenge in court.

  • Mary said that her father worked for the city administration.

  • The students who are occupying the administration building have threatened to kill themselves.

  • They sent us to the administration office of the factory.

  • During his administration a great many new laws were passed.

  • The university administration lowered tuition.

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Verabreichung. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Synonyme] OpenThesaurus-User: Verabreichung. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 11041671, 11013601, 10025609, 9280606, 8964903, 8185287, 4946712, 4495489, 2264422, 2264194 & 680082. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR