Was heißt »Keh­le« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Keh­le lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • throat

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich habe eine Gräte in meiner Kehle stecken.

I have a fish bone stuck in my throat.

Tom hat Mary die Kehle aufgeschlitzt.

Tom slit Mary's throat.

Es ist nicht so, als wenn wir Feinde wären, die einander an die Kehle gehen.

It's not as though we were enemies at each other's throat.

Wenn du das noch mal machst, komme ich, wenn du schläfst, und schneide dir die Kehle durch!

If you do that again, I'll come and cut your throat when you're asleep.

Tom und seine Komplizen schnitten elf Männern und Frauen die Kehle durch.

Tom and his buddies slit the throats of eleven men and women.

Peter schreit aus voller Kehle.

Peter screams from his throat.

Tom hielt mir ein Messer an die Kehle.

Tom put a knife to my throat.

Unsere Kehlen sehnen sich danach, zu trinken.

Our throats are eager to drink something.

Tom griff Mary an die Kehle und erwürgte sie.

Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and choked her.

Er hielt mir ein Messer an die Kehle.

He put a knife to my throat.

Tom ging Johannes an die Kehle und erwürgte ihn, weil das Gold so schön in der Sonne glänzte. Dann steckte er sich den Ring an den Finger.

Tom took John by the throat and strangled him, because the gold was glowing so beautifully in the sun. Then he put the ring on his finger.

Fadil schnitt sich selber die Kehle durch.

Fadil slashed his own throat.

Er singt mit Kehle, Zunge und Zähnen.

He sings with the throat, tongue, and teeth.

Meine Kehle ist etwas trocken.

My throat is a bit dry.

My throat is a little dry.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • Tom cleared his throat nervously.

  • Mary cleared her throat nervously.

  • Tom cleared his throat before he started talking.

  • I have throat cancer.

  • She felt a lump in the back of her throat and tears began to well in her eyes.

  • If you eat too much of this food, you may get a sore throat.

  • I'm going to take two aspirins before going to bed because I have a sore throat.

  • I have a sore throat and a fever.

  • My throat hurts.

  • Tom had a sore throat.

  • Does your throat hurt?

  • They put a knife to my throat and robbed me.

  • Tom cleared his throat and continued to speak.

  • I have a frog in my throat.

  • I had a sore throat.

  • I've had a scratchy throat since this morning. I wonder if I've caught a cold.

  • I've had a slight sore throat since this morning. I wonder if I've caught a cold.

  • I don't have a sore throat.

  • Mary is clearing her throat.

  • I have a sore throat, so I don't know if I can sing or not.

Keh­le übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Kehle. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Kehle. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 651305, 1538005, 1885270, 2082367, 2153193, 2163850, 3156206, 3417948, 3450210, 6149735, 6201787, 11758516, 12012321, 12402388, 3729937, 4491082, 4496577, 4499932, 3391129, 4782473, 3259010, 3258928, 3256233, 2956828, 2927802, 2901010, 2481219, 5896818, 6033416, 2036561, 2036560, 6266568, 1700589 & 6431397. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR