Was heißt »Er­wär­mung« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Er­wär­mung« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • warming

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Diese Gase können zur globalen Erwärmung führen.

These gases can lead to global warming.

Dieser Term beschreibt die Erwärmung der Erde, verursacht durch immer mehr Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre.

This is a term used to describe the warming of the earth, due to growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Was meinen Sie zu der globalen Erwärmung?

What do you think about global warming?

Der Vulkan Kilimandscharo ist der höchste Berg Afrikas. Seine majestätische Schneelandschaft zieht Bergsteiger aus aller Welt an. In den letzten Jahren ist wegen der globalen Erwärmung die Schneegrenze auf der Kuppe von Jahr zu Jahr zurückgewichen.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. Its majestic snowy landscape attracts mountaineers from across the world. In recent times, the snowline at its peak has been retreating year-on-year owing to global warming.


Englische Beispielsätze

  • This, too, is an effect of global warming, I guess.

  • Now the sun is warming the ground.

  • This warming of relations eventually led to a reconciliation between the two peoples.

  • Methane is the world’s second largest contributor to global warming, after carbon dioxide.

  • The chemicals that cool your refrigerator are warming the planet.

  • When trees are cut down, their stored carbons are released into the atmosphere, accounting for 10% of warming emissions worldwide, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

  • We sat by the fire, warming ourselves.

  • The topic of global warming happened to come up during the conference.

  • Alaska is warming faster than any other state and has warmed twice as fast as the global average since the mid-20th century.

  • Seas are warming, rising, and becoming more acidic.

  • Trump, as well as several members of his Cabinet, have also cast doubt on the science of climate change, saying the causes of global warming are not yet settled.

  • The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet.

  • Glaciers are melting because of global warming.

  • Global warming will cause coastal flooding.

  • This politician proposed a green tax to fight global warming.

  • He doesn't believe in global warming.

  • I am warming myself by the fireplace.

  • Tom is warming himself by the fire.

  • I think the movie is a very heart warming one.

  • Urban sprawl is said to be a major contributor to global warming.

Untergeordnete Begriffe

global warming
climate warming

Erwärmung übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Erwärmung. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 754184, 2506849, 6328660, 10201029, 10965598, 10579700, 10324500, 10244306, 10008332, 9866569, 8898885, 8782977, 7523574, 7523566, 7523507, 5969238, 4875208, 3138150, 2732858, 2654607, 1728039, 1662974, 1477414 & 1438099. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR