Das Verb »duften« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:
Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen
Diese Blume duftet süß.
This flower smells sweet.
Die Blumen duften gut.
The flowers smell good.
Rosen duften süß.
Roses smell sweet.
Das duftet gut.
This smells good.
Was uns Rose heißt, wie es auch hieße, würde lieblich duften!
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Das Abendessen duftet vorzüglich!
Dinner smells delicious.
Der Garten duftet nach Rosen.
The garden is fragrant with the smell of roses.
Du duftest herrlich.
You smell wonderful.
Als sich Toms Freunde am Abend bei ihm zum Videoabend einfanden, duftete es bereits überall nach seinen köstlichen hausgemachten Kartoffelchips.
When Tom's friends were over at his place for an evening of videos, the whole place smelled of his delicious home-cooked potato chips.
Dieser Tee duftet gut.
This tea smells good.
Tom war nicht wiederzuerkennen: er war rasiert, hatte eine anständige Frisur, trug einen ordentlichen Anzug und polierte Schuhe, stank nicht nach Schweiß, sondern duftete nach Parfum und benahm sich sehr galant, insbesondere Maria gegenüber.
Tom was unrecognisable. He was clean-shaven, and his hair was good. His suit fitted him, and his shoes shone. He didn't smell of sweat, but instead wore a scent, and he was very gentlemanly, especially towards Mary.
Tom was unrecognisable: he was clean-shaven, had a decent haircut, wore a tailored suit with polished shoes, didn't reek of sweat, but instead wore a scent, and he behaved in a very gentlemanly way, especially towards Mary.
Eine Rose duftet lieblich.
A rose smells sweet.
Es duftete in der Küche nach Kaffee und frisch gebackenen Brötchen.
There was a smell of coffee and freshly-baked bread in the kitchen.
Ich mag es, wie das duftet.
I like the way that smells.
Alle Blumen duften süß.
All flowers smell sweet.
Hübsche Blumen duften nicht unbedingt süß.
Pretty flowers do not necessarily smell sweet.
Aus der Küche duftet es nach Zitrone und Muskatnuss.
A smell of lemon and nutmeg is coming from the kitchen.
There's a smell of lemon and nutmeg coming from the kitchen.
The smell of lemon and nutmeg is coming from the kitchen.
A lemon and nutmeg aroma is coming from the kitchen.
Das wäre ’ne dufte Sache, finde ich.
I think that would be cool.
Der frisch gebackene Kuchen duftete verführerisch.
The freshly-baked cake smelt tempting.
Es duftet nach Rosen.
It smells of roses.
Es duftete in der Küche nach frisch gebackenem Brot.
The kitchen smelt of freshly-baked bread.
There was a smell of freshly-baked bread in the kitchen.
The kitchen smelled of freshly-baked bread.
Die Lilien duften.
The lilies smell sweet.
The lilies smell good.
Lilien duften süß.
Lilies smell sweet.
Der neue Weichspüler duftet großartig.
The new fabric softener smells lovely.
Ich habe einmal in einem Buch gelesen, dass eine Rose, hieße sie auch anders, immer noch genauso süß duften würde, aber das habe ich nie glauben können.
I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I've never been able to believe it.
Why do you smell of women's perfume? Have you really come from work, or were you somewhere else?
Money doesn't smell.
Mary called Tom into the kitchen and held the packet of sliced ham under his nose. "Here, smell this and tell me whether we can still eat it."
A nice smell wafted from the hot tea and toast.
The hot tea and toast exuded a gratifying smell.
There are places in my home town for ever associated in my memory with a sight, a smell, a colour, a favourite food or a feeling I once felt.
Can you lot smell something?
Can you smell something?
There's a funny smell in this room.
These flowers smell wonderful.
It was pleasantly cool, but now it has got cold.
It was pleasantly cool, but now it has turned cold.
A sweet smell was hanging in the air.
You smell.
You smell sweaty. Go and have a shower.
"Since you're here, do you want a cup of tea or anything?" Sam asked flatly. "Oh," chirped Mary, pleasantly surprised at the suggestion. "Don't mind if I do. Milk and two sugars, please."
The night was pitch-dark. There wasn't the faintest star in the sky or a breath of wind. There was no babbling stream, there wasn't a single sound anywhere, and no smell of meadows or forest flowers.