Was heißt »Rast« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Rast« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • rest
  • break

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Wir haben unterwegs eine kleine Rast eingelegt.

We took a short rest on the way.

Wir legten unterwegs eine Rast zum Mittagessen ein.

We stopped along the way to have lunch.

Der Radler machte Rast und trank ein großes Radler.

The cyclist stopped for a break and drank a large shandy.



Englische Beispielsätze

  • I wish Tom would take a break.

  • He was my North, my South, my East and West, my working week and my Sunday rest, my noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

  • Can I taste the cake you're having? Can I break off a small piece?

  • Let's take a 10-minute break here.

  • You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.

  • They need a break.

  • Let's finish this today, so we can rest tomorrow.

  • Let's stop at the next rest stop.

  • How did you break your arm?

  • Thankfully, Tom didn't break everything.

  • Thankfully, Tom didn't break anything.

  • Luckily, Tom didn't break anything.

  • Tom didn't break anything, thankfully.

  • We took a tea break.

  • Tom took a tea break.

  • Never break a promise.

  • We have the rest of the day to ourselves.

  • The lunch break is an hour long.

  • I've done the best I could to help you. The rest is up to you.

  • That is the rest of the whiskey in the bottle.

Rast übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Rast. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Synonyme] OpenThesaurus-User: Rast. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 1545078, 2351704, 3307845, 8181989, 8296202, 8101948, 8066880, 8338234, 8359959, 8043970, 8041371, 7989083, 7969677, 7969676, 7969675, 7969598, 7874978, 7874977, 7874038, 8553555, 7841471, 7810840 & 7798580. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR