Was heißt »Pul­ver­schnee« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Pul­ver­schnee lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • powder

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Gefällt es Ihnen, in Pulverschnee Ski zu laufen?

Do you like powder-snow skiing?

Englische Beispielsätze

  • Add the flour, salt, baking powder and mashed bananas, and work into a dough.

  • Dissolve the baking powder in 1 tbsp water.

  • There was some kind of white powder on the floor.

  • Add the powder, stir it, and Bob's your uncle.

  • I'm just going to go powder my nose.

  • The police officer found a white powder in the glove compartment.

  • In order to make this cake you need baking powder and unsalted butter.

  • No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them, with powder and lead - Thoughts are free!

  • The Middle East is still called a powder keg.

  • I think I used a little too much onion powder.

  • Have you recently changed your soap or washing powder?

  • Matthew's marinade recipe included soy sauce, garlic powder, and ginger.

  • Cement is a grey powder.

  • Dissolve the baking powder in one tablespoon of water.

  • I'd wash my clothes if I had some washing powder.

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Pul­ver­schnee übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Pulverschnee. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 2972135, 3559599, 3559598, 3170663, 2790257, 2221140, 6214662, 1166488, 476620, 277545, 9158886, 10512771, 11587626, 11669915, 11835706 & 12256335. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR