Was heißt »Kof­fer­raum« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Kof­fer­raum lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • trunk
  • boot
  • car boot

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Du solltest die Kühlerhaube öffnen, nicht den Kofferraum.

I told you to open the hood, not the trunk.

You were meant to open the bonnet, not the boot.

Fährst du rückwärts an den Baum, verkleinerst du den Kofferraum.

When you back up into a tree, you make the trunk smaller.

When you back up into a tree, you make the boot smaller.

Könntest du diese Taschen in den Kofferraum packen?

Could you put these bags in the trunk?

Could you put these bags in the boot?

Er öffnete den Kofferraum.

He popped the trunk.

He opened the boot.

Mein Gepäck ist im Kofferraum.

My luggage is in the boot.

Meine Gitarre ist im Kofferraum meines Wagens.

I've got my guitar in the trunk of my car.

My guitar is in the boot of my car.

Tom stellte seine Taschen in den Kofferraum, sprang in den Wagen und fuhr los.

Tom put his bags in the trunk, then hopped in the car and drove off.

Tom put his bags into the boot, hopped into the car and drove off.

Tom hat ein zusätzliches Paar Schuhe im Kofferraum seines Wagens.

Tom keeps an extra pair of shoes in the trunk of his car.

Tom keeps a spare pair of shoes in the boot of his car.

Vergiss nicht meine Sachen aus dem Kofferraum zu nehmen!

Don't forget to take my things out of the boot!

Was befindet sich in der Strandtasche im Kofferraum deines Wagens?

What's in that beach bag in your car boot?

Was befindet sich in der Strandtasche im Kofferraum Ihres Wagens?

What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car?

Tom hat immer ein Jagdmesser im Kofferraum seines Wagens.

Tom keeps a hunting knife in the trunk of his car.

Tom öffnete den Kofferraum und stellte fest, dass er leer war.

Tom opened the trunk and found it empty.

Tom opened the boot and found it empty.

Tom setzte sich neben Maria auf den Kofferraum.

Tom sat next to Mary on the tailgate.

Tom lud die Taschen in den Kofferraum seines Wagens.

Tom loaded the bags into the trunk of his car.

Es ist das Logischste, seinen Ersatzreifen im Kofferraum seines Wagens aufzubewahren.

The most logical place to keep your spare tire is in the trunk of your car.

The most logical place to keep your spare tyre is in the boot of your car.

Tom öffnete den Kofferraum seines Wagens und holte den Reservereifen heraus.

Tom opened the trunk of his car and took out the spare tire.

Tom opened the boot and took out the spare tyre.

Tom öffnete den Kofferraum, um das Reserverad herauszunehmen.

Tom opened the boot to take out the spare wheel.

Die Kiste ist zu groß: die passt nicht in den Kofferraum des Wagens.

That box is too big to put in the trunk of the car.

That box is too big to put in the boot.

Die Türen ließen sich nicht öffnen und ich musste durch den Kofferraum in das Auto hinein.

The doors wouldn't open, so I had to get into the car through the boot.

Im Kofferraum sind fünf Koffer.

In the luggage rack there are five suitcases.

Unser Kofferraum ist zu klein.

Our luggage rack is too small.

Der Reservereifen ist im Kofferraum.

The spare tire is in the trunk.

The spare tyre is in the boot.

Im Kofferraum ist ein Ersatzreifen.

There's a spare tire in the trunk.

Im Kofferraum ist kein Platz mehr für noch einen Koffer.

There's not enough room in the trunk for another suitcase.

Tom und Maria haben ihre Koffer im Kofferraum ihres Wagens gelassen.

Tom and Mary left their suitcases in the trunk of their car.

Tom öffnete den Kofferraum.

Tom popped the trunk.

Tom opened the boot.

Im Kofferraum befindet sich eine Leiche.

There's a body in the trunk of the car.

Legen wir das in den Kofferraum.

Let's put this in the trunk.

Let's put this in the boot.

Der Kofferraum ist auf.

The trunk is open.

The boot is open.

Ich habe den Kofferraum aufgemacht.

I opened the trunk.

I opened the boot.

Ich kriege deinen Koffer nicht in den Kofferraum.

I'm not going to be able to fit your suitcase in the trunk.

I can't get your suitcase in the boot.

Es war fast das perfekte Verbrechen: wir trafen vor Ort ein, öffneten den Kofferraum, brachten den Mann um und verwischten die Fingerabdrücke, aber wir vergaßen, die Leiche zu verstecken.

It was almost the perfect crime: we arrived at the scene, opened the trunk, killed the man and cleaned up the prints, but we forgot to hide the body.

Öffnen Sie bitte den Kofferraum!

Please pop the trunk.

Please open the trunk.

Please open the boot.

Der Polizist sah in den Kofferraum von Toms Wagen.

The police officer looked into the trunk of Tom's car.

Es ist im Kofferraum.

It's in the trunk.

It's in the boot.

Mein Werkzeugkasten ist im Kofferraum.

My toolbox is in the trunk.

My toolbox is in the boot.

Tom hat im Kofferraum seines Wagens immer einen Überbrückungskabelsatz.

Tom always keeps a set of jumper cables in the trunk of his car.

Tom always keeps a set of jump leads in the boot of his car.

Stell deine Tasche in den Kofferraum.

Put your bag in the trunk.

Put your bag in the boot.

Du solltest mal deinen Kofferraum aufräumen.

You should clean out the trunk of your car.

You should clean out the boot of your car.

Leg sonst nichts in den Kofferraum!

Don't put anything else in the trunk.

Don't put anything else in the boot.

Was hast du im Kofferraum?

What's in the trunk of your car?

What's in your trunk?

What's in your boot?

Am besten bewahrt man den Ersatzreifen im Kofferraum auf.

The best place to keep your spare tire is in the trunk of your car.

The best place to keep your spare tyre is in the boot of your car.

Im Kofferraum sind Decken.

There are some blankets in the boot of the car.

Geh mal den Kofferraum zumachen!

Go close the boot.

Go close the trunk.

Go and close the boot.


loading space

Englische Beispielsätze

  • The apple does not fall far from the trunk.

  • Can you bring down my trunk from upstairs?

  • And, we get each other's company to boot.

  • The man ran into the room wearing a boot on his head, shouted a bunch of gibberish, and promptly exited.

  • Tom and Mary couldn't move the heavy trunk.

  • He lifted the trunk to show off his strength.

  • The two squirrels chased each other around the trunk of a large tree.

  • The Lady of the Lake bewitched Merlin and trapped him in the trunk of a tree.

  • My computer crashed and now it won't boot up.

  • Tom sat on a tree trunk.

  • If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face–forever.

  • Can you bring my trunk down from upstairs?

  • Tom got out of his car and opened the trunk.

  • Tom got out of his car and opened the boot.

  • The woodpecker is pecking the tree trunk vigorously.

  • The elephant lifted up a heavy tree trunk.

  • Tom sawed two pieces off the trunk of a fallen birch, splitting them twice lengthwise with his axe.

  • This trunk contains old clothes.

  • There are old clothes in this trunk.

  • We believe, as the Zulus say, that no elephant ever found its trunk too heavy.

Kof­fer­raum übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Kofferraum. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2024, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Thesaurus] OpenThesaurus-User: Kofferraum. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2024, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 558619, 794579, 917638, 1365198, 1416677, 1891947, 1932291, 1938189, 2382461, 2486974, 2486977, 2656608, 2721298, 2739402, 2757889, 2759916, 2770897, 3123680, 3316170, 4004497, 5333687, 5333689, 5699028, 6567567, 6904069, 7536225, 7636107, 7835118, 8300478, 8508996, 10305571, 10363908, 10371725, 10546988, 10625453, 11467092, 11497948, 11506554, 11519794, 11537865, 11558703, 11563595, 11858557, 12163478, 12418802, 816099, 72900, 42954, 1415709, 1884540, 2258399, 2518537, 2720434, 3241511, 5085473, 5687953, 8230200, 8422925, 8422926, 8743001, 8836908, 9116198, 9139978, 9139980 & 9210389. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR