Was heißt »Sprach­ver­ste­hen« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Sprach­ver­ste­hen« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • comprehension
  • language understanding

Sinnverwandte Wörter

speech reception

Englische Beispielsätze

  • This test will gauge your reading comprehension.

  • There's a global problem of comprehension.

  • There is a global problem of comprehension.

  • Everyone who uses Esperanto or works for it, is an Esperantist, and every Esperantist has the complete right, in Esperanto, to see only the language as a simple, cold tool for international comprehension.

  • It's beyond my comprehension.

  • Each chapter in the textbook is followed by about a dozen comprehension questions.

  • Popular lectures are the easiest to listen to, but they are necessarily both superficial and misleading, since they have to be graded to the comprehension of an ignorant audience.

  • There are mysteries in the world that are beyond human comprehension.

  • There are mysteries in the world that are beyond normal comprehension.

  • Some non-native speakers have better comprehension skills than even native speakers.

  • When I read, I understand quite a lot, but my listening comprehension is utterly rubbish.

Übergeordnete Begriffe

language processing
  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Sprachverstehen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2022, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 2757661, 876597, 876596, 791729, 249828, 19104, 6633510, 9085599, 9085600, 9194724 & 11317172. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR