Was heißt »Per­for­manz« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Per­for­manz« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • performance

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Kompetenz und Performanz sind zwei verschiedene Sachen.

Competence and performance are two different things.


language use
linguistic usage

Englische Beispielsätze

  • The audience gave the actors a round of applause for their performance.

  • I really liked Tom's performance.

  • The performance, intended as a message of love, healing and hope to Italy and the world, brought people to pray together.

  • What time does the performance start?

  • What time is the performance going to start?

  • What time's the performance starting?

  • I think that Tom's performance was outstanding.

  • The performance was a total fiasco.

  • After the performance, the theatre audience applauded.

  • The performance was outstanding.

  • What time will the performance start?

  • City put in another dismal performance, losing two-nil to fellow strugglers Town.

  • "What did you think of the performance last night?" "Stunning!"

  • The performance ended at ten in the evening.

  • The performance ended at 10 p.m.

  • The eternal paradox of peak performance in chess, or any endeavor, really, is how to learn from your failures while still carrying on as if you are invincible. You must learn and forget simultaneously.

  • How would you rate your own performance? What mark would you give to yourself?

  • Thinking is a high performance sport, which means that only those who train stay in shape.

  • It was a splendid performance.

  • In music, nothing impresses (and moves) me more than the performance of Bach's Goldberg Variations by Glenn Gould.

Performanz übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Performanz. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Synonyme] OpenThesaurus-User: Performanz. In: OpenThesaurus – Das freie Wörterbuch für Synonyme, 2023, [online] openthesaurus.de, CC BY-SA 4.0
  3. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 692862, 8462365, 8587090, 8678277, 8946743, 8946744, 8946745, 8981175, 9015639, 9460472, 7120393, 9957586, 10329912, 10355549, 10459784, 10459785, 10551052, 10633046, 10710283, 6041516 & 10873911. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR