Was heißt »Chi­ne­sin« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv Chi­ne­sin lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • Chinese

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Bist du Chinesin oder Japanerin?

Are you Chinese or Japanese?

Meine Freundin ist Chinesin.

My girlfriend is Chinese.

Meine Frau ist Chinesin.

My wife is Chinese.

Wenjin ist Chinesin.

Wenjin is a Chinese woman.

Ist sie Chinesin?

Is she Chinese?

Ich bin Chinesin.

I am Chinese.

I'm Chinese.

Sie ist Chinesin.

She's Chinese.

In dem Film „Die Gute Erde“ spielte die amerikanische Schauspielerin Agnes Moorehead die Rolle einer Chinesin, was man heutzutage als kulturelle Aneignung kritisieren würde.

In the movie, "The Good Earth", the American actress Agnes Moorehead played the part of a Chinese woman, which would be criticized today as representing cultural appropriation.

Meine beste Freundin ist Chinesin.

My best friend is Chinese.

Das sind keine Chinesinnen.

They're not Chinese.

Ich heiße Lanlan und bin Chinesin.

My name is Lanlan, I'm Chinese.

Ich bin keine Chinesin.

I'm not Chinese.

„Es freut mich, dass in dem Spiel eine Chinesin vorkommt und dass die eine kluge Wissenschaftlerin ist, die mithilft, die Welt zu retten“, sagte Ye.

?I appreciate that they put a Chinese character in that game, and the fact that she’s a scientist and she’s smart. She’s helping save the world,” Ye said.

Männliche Wortform


Englische Beispielsätze

  • My dream is to study Mandarin Chinese in Beijing.

  • I see that you have added a Polish translation to a Chinese sentence. However, your profile does not have Chinese listed as a language that you know.

  • My dream is to study Chinese in Beijing.

  • "What do you fancy today? Italian? Greek? Chinese?" "Potato soup. A new restaurant's opened in Einstein Street."

  • "What do you feel like today? Italian? Greek? Chinese?" "Potato soup. A new restaurant's opened in Einstein Street."

  • He is not Chinese.

  • Russia said starting Thursday it would ban all Chinese from entering its territory.

  • Many Chinese tourists visit Algeria.

  • An elderly Chinese tourist has died in France from the coronavirus.

  • My friend knows Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

  • If I were to give my own child the name "Sakura," I would write it with these Chinese characters.

  • Although he started learning Chinese only a week ago, he already knows many characters.

  • I am starting to feel comfortable when I speak Chinese.

  • Charlie Chan and Fu Manchu may have been Chinese characters, but they were largely played by Caucasian actors made up to look Asian.

  • I want to learn how to cook Chinese food.

  • Which do you like better, Mexican food or Chinese food?

  • Learning Chinese might be as important as learning English in the near future.

  • I know how to write fifty-four Chinese characters.

  • Tom often eats at the Chinese restaurant near his house.

  • Where did you study Chinese?

Übergeordnete Begriffe


Chi­ne­sin übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Chinesin. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 555913, 1003648, 1222815, 1786015, 1880989, 4448567, 4709686, 5428753, 8367917, 9240160, 10521080, 11182514, 12166251, 8861225, 8950716, 8775499, 8975404, 8975406, 8978766, 8575718, 8574845, 8554856, 9194482, 9266801, 9328500, 8307091, 8271774, 8015491, 9814387, 9844814, 7885824, 9870858 & 7844498. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR