Was heißt »wil­len« auf Englisch?

Die Postposition wil­len lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • for the sake of
  • on account of

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Kunst um der Kunst willen.

Art for art's sake.

Um der Sicherheit willen werden wir vor der Maschine eine Mitteilung aufhängen.

We will set up a notice in front of the machine for safety's sake.

Wir studieren die Vergangenheit um der Zukunft willen.

We study the past for the sake of the future.

Erbarme dich, mein Gott, um meiner Zähren willen!

Have mercy, my God, for the sake of my tears!

Was, um Himmels willen, tust du hier?

Whatever are you doing here?

Um ihrer Gesundheit willen zog sie an einen wärmeren Ort.

She moved to a warmer place for the sake of her health.

Um seiner Gesundheit willen hörte er auf zu rauchen.

He stopped smoking for the sake of his health.

Tom ist der Typ eines Menschen, der gerne diskutiert, nur um des Diskutierens willen.

Tom is the type of person who likes to argue just for the sake of arguing.

Tom tat es um seines Landes willen.

Tom did it for the sake of his country.

Um Gottes willen! Was für einen Bart Ihr habt! Ihr seht furchtbar aus. Ihr verjagt noch die Kinder.

God! What a beard you have! You look terrible! You're going to scare away the children.

Mein Vater hat um seiner Gesundheit willen mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.

Father has given up smoking for his health.

My father has quit smoking for his health.

My father has quit smoking for the sake of his health.

My father gave up smoking for his health.

Du redest um des Redens willen.

You talk for the sake of talking.

You're talking for the sake of it.

You talk for the sake of it.

Um Himmels willen: sag das nicht!

For goodness' sake, don't say that!

Um Gottes willen, sag das niemandem!

For God's sake don't tell it to anyone.

Ich habe das um meiner Gesundheit willen gemacht.

I did so for the sake of my health.

Ich tue das nicht um des Geldes willen.

I don't do it for money.

I'm not doing this for money.

Um Gottes willen!

For God's sake!

Hell no!

„Tom! Um Himmels willen! Was machst du denn mit meinen Blumen?“ – „Blumen? Meinst du das Unkraut hier? Das sollte ich doch jäten!“

"Tom! For crying out loud, what are you doing to my flowers?" "Flowers? You mean these weeds? You told me to pull them up!"

Stell um Himmels willen die Musik leiser!

For Pete's sake turn that music down!

Um Gottes willen, Tom! Was zum Henker ist das?

For God's sake, Tom, what the hell is it?

Sie streitet nur um des Streites willen.

She argues just for the sake of arguing.

Tom streitet um des Streites willen.

Tom argues just for the sake of arguing.

Warum um Himmels willen willst du dorthin gehen?

Why on earth would you want to go there?

Wir leben nicht um eitler Unterhaltung willen.

We do not live for idle amusement.

Toms Eltern blieben nur um der Kinder willen zusammen.

Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.

Warum um Himmels willen sollte ich das tun?

Why on earth would I do that?

Mit dem Rauchen aufhören ist nicht einfach, aber Sie sollten es um Ihrer Gesundheit willen tun.

To give up smoking is not easy, but you should for the sake of your health.

„Hast du Tom mein Geheimnis verraten?“ – „Um Gottes willen! Natürlich nicht!“

"Have you revealed my secret to Tom?" "For God's sake, of course not!"

Um Gottes willen, Tom, was in drei Teufels Namen ist das?

For God's sake, Tom, what the hell is this?

Um Himmels willen! Das ist ja Tom!

Oh My God! It's Tom!

„Sei um Himmels willen still!“ sagte Marilla. „Du redest um Längen zu viel für ein kleines Mädchen!“

"For pity's sake hold your tongue," said Marilla. "You talk entirely too much for a little girl."

Du streitest nur um des Streites willen.

You're arguing just to argue.

Wenn du mich in dieser Angelegenheit um Rat gefragt hättest – was du nicht getan hast, Marilla –, dann hätte ich gesagt, dass du doch um Himmels willen nicht so etwas denken sollst!

If you had asked my advice in the matter–which you didn't do, Marilla–I'd have said for mercy's sake not to think of such a thing, that's what.

„Anne Shirley!“ rief sie aus. „Was hast du denn um Himmels willen in diesen Kuchen getan?“

"Anne Shirley!" she exclaimed, "what on earth did you put into that cake?"

Um Himmels willen! Ich komme zu spät.

For crying out loud! I'm going to be late.

„Du solltest dich um des Friedens willen bei Tom entschuldigen.“ – „Auf keinen Fall! Er ist schuld!“

"For the sake of some peace and quiet, you should apologise to Tom." "No chance! It's his fault!"

Tom hat um der Liebe willen alles aufs Spiel gesetzt.

Tom risked everything for love.

Tom opferte sich um seines Freundes willen.

Tom sacrificed himself for his friend.

Sieh dir um aller Katzenliebe willen bitte das Video an, das ich dir geschickt habe! Dieses erklärt, dass es sich nicht um ein solches lineares Netzwerk, wie du es dir vorstellst, handelt, sondern um ein Gewebe mit mehreren Knoten.

Please, for the love of purr, watch the video I sent you. It explains that, rather than this linear network you're thinking about, it's a web with several nodes.

Der Kaufmann sank auf die Knie und flehte um seiner drei Töchter willen, die niemanden außer ihm als Stütze hätten, um sein Leben.

The merchant fell on his knees and begged for his life for the sake of his three daughters who had none but him to support them.

Um Gottes willen, Mr. Holmes! Was ist denn los?

Good heavens, Mr. Holmes! What is the matter?

„Mein Gott!“ flüsterte er. – „Was war das? Was um Himmels willen war das?“ – „Es ist tot, was es auch sei“, erwiderte Holmes.

?My God!” he whispered. “What was it? What, in Heaven’s name, was it?” “It’s dead, whatever it is,” said Holmes.

Auf wessen Seiten stehen die um Gottes willen?

For God's sake, whose side are they on?

Um Himmels willen, hör auf damit!

For Christ's sake, stop it!

Englische Beispielsätze

  • I gave up smoking for the sake of my health.

  • The woman fled for the sake of saving herself.

  • Tom was an accomplished poet writing in French; when he spoke, however, no one could understand him on account of his strong accent.

  • Tom is, on account of his accent, often taken for a Dutchman; he is in fact an Englishman.

  • He says that he must engage in exercise for the sake of his health, but he overdoes it to such a degree that it seems he is ready to die for his health.

  • Tom had to forgo his morning swim, on account of it being too cold.

  • I did it on account of you.

  • Please don't nitpick just for the sake of nitpicking.

  • The plane was delayed for two hours on account of the bad weather.

  • We were compelled to stay at home on account of the storm.

  • She could not come on account of illness.

  • She cannot attend school on account of illness.

  • She married him for the sake of his family name.

  • She only worked for the sake of money.

  • They stayed married for the sake of their children.

  • He resigned his post on account of illness.

  • He could not take examination on account of his illness.

  • He couldn't come on account of his illness.

  • He was absent from school on account of illness.

  • He moved to a warmer place for the sake of his health.

Wil­len übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: willen. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Satzbeispiele] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 444453, 519717, 560534, 673803, 742939, 820710, 868614, 1287756, 1691635, 1929092, 1987908, 2196772, 2322373, 2385227, 2400338, 2436789, 2634763, 2721853, 2790247, 3068604, 3263578, 3421332, 3464422, 3985747, 4377760, 4878416, 5502906, 5583227, 6083625, 6098885, 6103287, 6150662, 7024193, 8042805, 8283342, 9019979, 9078434, 9101641, 10504277, 11101464, 11126659, 11585932, 11803052, 11962503, 11149154, 11063677, 10221643, 6208124, 6031356, 4387657, 3143520, 1163472, 916640, 325277, 316698, 316693, 316367, 313301, 304996, 303151, 303146, 303124, 303117 & 295930. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR