Was heißt »Grä­te« auf Englisch?

Das Substantiv »Grä­te« lässt sich wie folgt von Deutsch auf Englisch übersetzen:

  • bone
  • fishbone

Deutsch/Englische Beispielübersetzungen

Ich habe eine Gräte in meiner Kehle stecken.

I have a fish bone stuck in my throat.

Sieht aus, als würde eine Gräte in meinem Hals stecken.

It looks like a fish bone got stuck in my throat.

Ich esse nicht gern Fische, die viele Gräten haben.

I don't like to eat fish with many bones.

Die Gräten sind doch kein Grund, nicht gerne Fisch zu essen!

Such a thing as disliking fish because they have bones - that just can't be a reason for disliking them.

Just saying you don't like fish because of the bones is not really a good reason for not liking fish.

Mir ist eine Gräte im Halse steckengeblieben.

I got a fish bone stuck in my throat.

Dieser Fisch hat viele Gräten.

This fish has a lot of bones.

Dieser Fisch hat eine Menge kleiner Gräten.

This fish has a lot of small bones in it.

Der Hund hat den Fisch ganz, samt Gräten und Schwanz, gefressen.

The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all.

Ich will keinen Fischkopf und auch keine Gräten.

I don't want the fish head or the bones.

Dieser Fisch ist voller Gräten; iss es nicht.

This fish is full of bones; don't eat it.

Englische Beispielsätze

  • I've got a bone to pick with you.

  • I've never broken a bone.

  • If it hadn't been for your raincoat, I would've been soaked to the bone.

  • He was chilled to the bone.

  • Where his daughter's musical talent comes from, her father doesn't know. He and his wife don't have a musical bone in their bodies, he says.

  • The wolf ate the bone.

  • He gave a bone to his dog.

  • She gave her dog a bone.

  • I've got a bone to pick with Tom.

  • My favorite part of the movie is when the monkey throws the bone into the air.

  • Tom broke every bone in his body.

  • I'm cold to the bone.

  • Mary gave her dog a bone.

  • Tom donated his bone marrow to save the cancer victim's life.

  • The dog gnaws the bone because he cannot swallow it.

  • U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France.

  • Tom thought he'd broken a bone in his foot, but an X-ray showed that he hadn't.

  • Tom gave his dog a bone.

  • I have served you all these years and you never even threw me a bone, but the dear children gave me their own piece of ham.

  • Make a hole in the bone with a drill.

Gräte übersetzt in weiteren Sprachen:

  1. [Übersetzungen] Wiktionary-Autoren: Gräte. In: Wiktionary – Das freie Wörterbuch, 2023, [online] de.wiktionary.org, CC BY-SA 3.0
  2. [Beispielübersetzungen] User-generated content: Satz Nr. 651305, 944829, 1300714, 2118066, 2231482, 2289491, 2798362, 3448279, 9208739, 10291316, 11193475, 9280541, 9189130, 8744130, 8574710, 8548433, 7387878, 7385020, 7113015, 7043587, 6976416, 6672689, 6429295, 5796713, 5650464, 4241405, 3924482, 3923040, 3884700 & 2879022. In: tatoeba.org, CC BY 2.0 FR